ERC Advanced 882450 – 2020-2025
Micro-scale dependent, time- and space-evolving rheologies: the key for generating strain localization in the Earth
RhEoVOLUTION aims to unravel how the evolution of rock rheology controls strain localization at different scales in the Earth. To do so, we will develop a framework for modeling self-consistently strain localization in rocks deforming by ductile processes. We will design: (1) stochastic descriptions of the evolution of the rheology in time and space and (2) fast (supervised machine-learning) methods to calculate the evolution of its anisotropy, which we will incorporate in geodynamical and ice-flow models.
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Modelling plate tectonics: How do processes at different scales interact to create strain localization at the planet scale? The aim of the PhD project is to explore the interactions between processes active at different spatial (and temporal) scales during strain localization and develop coarse-graining techniques to define rheological laws able to produce self-consistently strain localization and, hence, simulate plate tectonics in geodynamical models. The work will build on the results of the entire ERC RhEoVOLUTION team, that is composed by >15 researchers of varied backgrounds (Geology, Glaciology, Solid and Fluid Mechanics, Material Sciences, Applied Mathematics…). Read more
NEW PhD at GEOSCIENCES MONTPELLIER starting in September 2024
In-situ experimentation to constrain feedbacks between strain localization and microstructure evolution in rocks, metals and ice. The aim of this thesis is to constrain the feedbacks between strain location and microstructure evolution during ductile deformation through experiments on AZ31 magnesium alloys. These experiments will couple in situ monitoring of the strain field evolution by digital image correlation (DIC) and the microstructure by indexing electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns. This coupling will enable us to constrain the feedback between dynamic recrystallization and strain localization. Read more
Kerswell, B., Cerpa, N., Tommasi, A., Godard, M. Padron-Navarta, J.A. RocMLMs: Predicting Rock Properties through Machine Learning Models. Journal of Geophysical Research – Machine Learning and Computation, in press. Preprint at
Chardelin, M., Tommasi, A., Padron-Navarta, J.A. Progressive strain localization and fluid-focusing in mantle shear zones during rifting: Petrostructural constraints from the Zabargad peridotites, Red Sea. J. Petrology, in press. Preprint at HAL
Boissonneau, G., Tommasi, A., Barou, F., Lopez-Sanchez M.A., Montagnat, M. Dynamic recrystallization and mechanical behavior of Mg alloy AZ31: Constraints from tensile tests with in-situ EBSD analysis. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, submitted. Preprint at HAL
Chauve, T., Montagnat, M., Dansereau, V. Saramito, P., Fourteau, K., Tommasi, A. (2024) A physically-based formulation for texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization. A case study for ice. Comptes rendus Mécanique, in press. Preprint:
Decoupling between strain localisation and the microstructural record: evidence from in-situ strain measurements in polycrystalline ice.
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Evolution of strain field and microstructure in polycrystalline ice using in situ experiments
Dynamic recrystallization by subgrain rotation in olivine revealed by high-spatial resolution electron backscatter diffraction.
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The Borborema strike-slip shear zone system (NE Brazil): Large-scale intracontinental strain localization in a heterogeneous plate.